Winter care tips for dogs

Hello everyone!

Winter weather is finally here. This week is forecasted to be yet another cold, windy and stormy one, here in Malta. I previously published articles about preventing and soothing dry winter skin and, I also shared tips for staying hydrated during the colder months. Today, however, I want to focus on our beloved four-legged friends.

Winter care tips for our dogs are fundamental to keeping them safe this season. Many dog owners mistakenly believe that because their pets have a coat of fur, they can tolerate the cold better than humans. This is not always the case. Like us, our pets are used to the warmth of indoor shelter, and cold weather can be as hard on them as it is on us. 

If it’s too cold for you to stand outside without a coat, it’s probably too cold for your dog too, so pay attention to their behaviour while they're outdoors. If you notice your dog whining, shivering or appearing anxious, it’s time to bring them in.

So how can we protect our dogs in winter?

Some dog breeds are blessed with thick fur that keeps them warm naturally, even in very cold temperatures, but dogs with thin coats may need to wear a sweater or coat when out for walks. However, coats will not prevent frostbite on the ears, feet or tail, so even with a warm coat, don’t keep your dogs with short/thin hair out too long in cold temperatures. Try to walk your dog/s in the late morning or early afternoon hours when temperatures are a little warmer, and avoid early morning or late evening walks. Don’t leave them outdoors for long periods. 

Rascal outside in a sweater

Place your dog’s bed in a warm spot away from drafts, and add some blankets. Additionally, make sure you have pet-proof heaters and fireplaces to keep your pet out of harm’s way.

Just as we tend to develop foot cracks in winter, dogs can also suffer from cracked pads. You can massage coconut oil on your dog's paws and, you could also apply paw balm, such as this DIY vegan paw balm.

Enjoy the winter weather and pay attention to your pets' well-being by keeping them warm and safe.

Talk to you soon!



I'm a vegan passionate about sustainability and clean, cruelty-free products. My focus is on writing lifestyle, wellness, and self-care articles. As a true crime enthusiast, I also delve into this genre, sharing my insights through articles and videos on my two YouTube channels.

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