Cosette's Beauty Pantry has a new logo

Hello everyone!

I had a different post planned for today, but this past weekend, I finally took the plunge and changed the site's logo, so I had to tell you about it. I've been thinking about updating or changing my logo for a while now. 

On one hand, I did like the old logo and was used to using it. On the other hand, I felt that it no longer represented the site's content. At the beginning of my blogging journey, Cosette's Beauty Pantry's main content was beauty and skincare-focused. As I mature and my interests change and widen, my content also changes with me. 

the old and the new logos

The old logo looked like a skincare logo; it fit my blog perfectly at the time I started using it. This new logo represents me more; literally! The curly/wavey hair brunette in the logo looks like a depiction of me. I wanted to make the logo more personal, something that characterised me. When I came across this logo image, I knew immediately that I had found the perfect logo for my website. The profile of the woman in the image is virtually identical to mine. I was instantly drawn to it!  

I also decided to include the words Est. 2010 below the website's name. Twelve years is a long time and an important anniversary for any blog or website, so I felt this was a perfect way to show how far Cosette's Beauty Pantry has come.

I'm working on plenty of skincare, lifestyle and self-care posts, so stay tuned. I'll do my best and try to stick to my schedule of posting three times a week. I post every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. I also post a weekly recap every Sunday.

What do you think of my new logo? Which logo do you prefer? Let me know in the comments below!

Talk to you soon!


I'm a vegan passionate about sustainability and clean, cruelty-free products. My focus is on writing lifestyle, wellness, and self-care articles. As a true crime enthusiast, I also delve into this genre, sharing my insights through articles and videos on my two YouTube channels.


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment! If you ask a question I will answer it asap. – Cosette

  1. Great post! I love your updated logo. Your last one was great, but I do love how the new one is more personal for you. And as you mentioned, 12 years is a VERY long time! I love that addition especially. Congrats on the new, fresh change!

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