The importance of self-care | 12th blogiversary

Hello everyone, I'm back!!

Finally, summer is almost over; I can't wait for the cooler weather to hit the island. Additionally, I am very much looking forward to the spooky season

These past few months have been very challenging for me. For personal reasons, I have been away from social media for quite some time and haven't written a blog post in a while. But today, I looked at the date and realised that this day marks twelve (12) years since my first blog post. I figured that, today was the perfect day for me to get back into blogging. 

More than ever before, I realised the importance of self-care. Self-care includes anything you do to keep yourself healthy; physically, mentally and spiritually. Self-care activities can range from physical activities such as; exercising and drinking more water, to mental activities such as; reading a book or listening to music. Self-care can also include spiritual or social activities such as praying or talking to a friend. The most important thing to remember about self-care is that it is about listening to what your mind and body need. Self-care is a way to look out for yourself so that you feel better and have a chance to recharge. Self-care can look different for everyone, and that's okay. Because your needs change as your life changes, how you practice it will change over time, too.

Here are 20 ideas to kickstart your self-care routine:

More self love text in pink frame

  1. Light a candle
  2. Drink a warm cup of tea 
  3. Journal 
  4. Do a digital detox
  5. Go for a long walk 
  6. Cook or order in your favourite meal
  7. Cuddle with a pet
  8. Unfollow toxic people on social media 
  9. Play a videogame
  10. Listen to a podcast or audiobook
  11. Try a new face mask
  12. Take a relaxing bath or shower
  13. Spend quality time with friends or family
  14. Turn on a diffuser with essential oils
  15. Watch the sunset
  16. Watch your favourite movie or show
  17. Put on an outfit that makes you feel good
  18. Try out an adult colouring book
  19. Do something creative (painting, writing, drawing, etc.)
  20. Take a break from the news

Self-care is something we all need to practice; it isn't selfish or superficial.

Related posts:

The benefits of unplugging (from technology)

Six (6) teas I always have in my pantry ☕ 🍵

The health benefits of lighting candles

Ten (10) benefits of journaling

Ways to practice self-care during your period

Ten (10) essential oil blends for better sleep 💤

Colouring: The secret to de-stress

What are your favourite self-care activities? Let me know in the comment section below.

Talk to you soon!


I'm a vegan passionate about sustainability and clean, cruelty-free products. My focus is on writing lifestyle, wellness, and self-care articles. As a true crime enthusiast, I also delve into this genre, sharing my insights through articles and videos on my two YouTube channels.


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment! If you ask a question I will answer it asap. – Cosette

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