The best 10 DIY vegan acne treatments

Hello everyone!

This blog is turning 10 in a few months and that means that I have been sharing DIY acne recipes with you, my readers, for almost a decade.  I have been vegan for the last five years and yes, you can still find non-vegan DIY beauty recipes on this blog.  These are namely recipes that include ingredients like yoghurt and honey.  Since June is Acne Awareness Month,  today's post is a roundup of my best ten DIY vegan acne treatments.  This way you can find them all in one handy post.  If you want me to make a roundup post on non-vegan recipes, leave a comment and let me know.

Amongst my top 10, I included; a cleansing method, a toner, two face masks, a scrub, two facial serums, and a spot treatment.  All DIYs are very easy to make, they require very few, simple ingredients and the method is easy to follow.


Below are the links for the 10 blog posts.  I also included the key ingredients (not the full list of ingredients) of each recipe or treatment for your convenience.  Visit the linked DIY for the full list and the step by step method.   In each DIY I post, I explain the properties and benefits of each ingredient and why it is used in a specific recipe.

Key ingredients: lemon and tomato

Key ingredient: I think you can guess this one!

Key ingredients: lemon essential oil and sandalwood essential oil 

Key ingredients: aloe vera gel and tea tree oil or lavender essential oil

Key ingredient: extra virgin olive oil

Key ingredients: baking soda and raw honey or coconut oil for a vegan version

Key ingredients: banana, baking soda and ground turmeric

Key ingredients: aloe vera, castor oil and vegetable glycerin

Key ingredients: coconut oil and tea tree oil

10.  DIY toner?!
Key ingredients: apple cider vinegar and green tea

You can find many more recipes and tips to help you fight acne on Cosette's Beauty Pantry; you can either use the "Search This Blog" button or click the "DIY & Natural Beauty" and "Acne" sections for more posts. 

If you suffer from acne I suggest you read my previous articles about Acne Awareness Month:

If you found this post helpful let me know.  I can write similar posts on various topics in the future if you like!


I'm a vegan passionate about sustainability and clean, cruelty-free products. My focus is on writing lifestyle, wellness, and self-care articles. As a true crime enthusiast, I also delve into this genre, sharing my insights through articles and videos on my two YouTube channels.


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment! If you ask a question I will answer it asap. – Cosette

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