Body hair removal

Hello everyone!

Methods of hair removal have been practised in virtually all human cultures since at least the Neolithic era.  These hair removal methods have varied in different times and areas, but shaving was and still is the most common method.  

women's legs

Body hair has long shaped gender dynamics, served as an indicator of social class and defined notions of femininity and the “ideal body”.  Today, most women feel like they have to remove body hair as if they have no other option.  There's something unsettling about that, however, perceptions are slowly shifting.  Removing body hair or growing it out is a personal choice!

If you choose to remove it there are two types of hair removal: depilation (surface removal by shaving, dissolving), or epilation (removal of the entire hair, such as waxing or plucking). 

I’ve written various posts about this topic in the past, today’s post is a roundup of my hair removal related blog posts.  This way you can find them all in one handy post.

  • For shaving tips and tricks, check out this post: Shaving tips
  • For more information about epilation, check out:  Using an epilator
  • Sugaring vs waxing: Sugaring is a vegan option; some waxes are not vegan you have to check before you buy.

One of the main problems associated with hair removal is ingrown hair!  Shaving is not the only way ingrown hairs can happen.  Depilatory creams can run a similar risk to shaving as it is also a form of depilation.  Because the hairs are being dissolved, rather than cut, the risk of having ingrown hairs can be far less than that of shaving.  Waxing and plucking hairs out can also cause ingrown hairs. 

I hope you found this post helpful, just remember that you do not have to remove your body hair, it’s completely your choice.  

Feel free to share your thoughts on hair removal in the comment section below!


I'm a vegan with a passion for sustainability and clean, cruelty-free products. I mainly write lifestyle, wellness and self-care articles. Since I'm a true crime enthusiast, sometimes I also write about true crime and post videos on my two YouTube channels.

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