DIY: Anti-ageing vegan mask

Hello everyone!

A vegan diet contributes towards a youthful appearance and lifestyle and healthy skin are definitely linked.  However, that doesn't mean that vegans don't need to use anti-ageing products.  Today I want to share the recipe for my favourite anti-ageing vegan mask with you.

If you are looking for a really effective mask that delivers immediate results, look no further!

  • 1 tsp organic quinoa flour
  • 1 bag of white tea
  • 1 tbsp mashed banana
Quinoa contains vitamin A, which smooths out the skin and fade dark spots.  It also contains lysine, a key building block in the synthesis of elastin and collagen.
White tea is packed with antioxidants that will help your skin fight the aging factors.  
The mashed banana will moisturize and hydrate your tired skin, and the B vitamins will protect it against free radicals.  Additionally, bananas also contain vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin A, and zinc – all these are amazing for ageing skin.

  1. Mix the contents of a used tea bag with the quinoa flour. 
  2. Add the mashed banana.
  3. Combine the ingredients together and apply the mask to a clean face.
  4. Leave the mask on for 15 minutes and use the mixture as a facial scrub before you wash it off.
This mask will instantly make your skin smoother and more radiant.

Do you have a favourite anti-ageing DIY recipe? 

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I'm a vegan passionate about sustainability and clean, cruelty-free products. My focus is on writing lifestyle, wellness, and self-care articles. As a true crime enthusiast, I also delve into this genre, sharing my insights through articles and videos on my two YouTube channels.

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