💄Blog makeover 💅

Hello everyone!
As you may have noticed, my blog just got a makeover.  I've spent the last couple of days re-designing my blog.  The old theme felt too cluttered, so I changed it!

I really like the way it turned out.  I might get bored with it again, who knows.  But for now, I love it.
Do any of you remember the way this blog used to look a few years ago?  Take a look:  
November, 2013

September, 2015

Hope you like the new design.  Please let me know what you think! ☺


I'm a vegan passionate about sustainability and clean, cruelty-free products. My focus is on writing lifestyle, wellness, and self-care articles. As a true crime enthusiast, I also delve into this genre, sharing my insights through articles and videos on my two YouTube channels.


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment! If you ask a question I will answer it asap. – Cosette

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