Which is the best acne treatment?

Hello everyone!

If you suffer from acne, you've probably tried hundreds of treatments (both internal and external). If you have tried everything, and your acne still persists, it can be frustrating. 

woman with acne

However, just because you have tried all the conventional treatments does not mean you have tried every possible remedy. Find out the weirdest treatments in this infographic:

Which is the Best Acne Treatment infographic

I would never, ever try the first three "treatments" mentioned in the infographic. Which treatments would you not be willing to try? What's the weirdest acne treatment you have ever tried?  Leave a comment and let me know!  


I'm a vegan with a passion for sustainability and clean, cruelty-free products. I mainly write lifestyle, wellness and self-care articles. Since I'm a true crime enthusiast, sometimes I also write about true crime and post videos on my two YouTube channels.


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment! If you ask a question I will answer it asap. – Cosette

  1. Hi, I thoroughly enjoyed reading the blog, it is very informative and knowledgeable. I love to read such stuff,

    Amirta | Also Read My Blog - Treatment and care for types of acne on face and body

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