Outfit inspiration - Spirit Day 2014

Hello everyone!
I've put together two purple outfit ideas for Spirit Day; a casual and a formal outfit. 

Casual outfit recommendation:

On this day people wear the colour purple to show support for LGBT youth who are victims of bullying.  Purple symbolises 'spirit' on the rainbow flag.

Formal outfit recommendation:

Getting involved is easy!  Turn your social media pics purple here, and wear purple on October 16th and help create a world in which LGBT youth are accepted for who they are.

Which outfit do you prefer?  Are you going to wear purple on Thursday?  Answer in the comment section below! 


I'm a vegan with a passion for sustainability and clean, cruelty-free products. I mainly write lifestyle, wellness and self-care articles. Since I'm a true crime enthusiast, sometimes I also write about true crime and post videos on my two YouTube channels.

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