Quiz: What's your face shape?

Knowing your face shape is essential when choosing your hairstyle, make-up, eyebrow shape and even glasses.  There are nine different face shapes; do you know which one you are?  Take this quiz and find out!

different face shapes

1. What best describes your forehead?

A. Square
B. Narrow
C. Round

2. What best described your jawline and chin?

A. Square
B. Pointed
C. Full or Round

3. Describe the width of your face?

A. Wide
B. Average
C. Narrow

4. Look closely at your face - What do you see the most?

A. Angles 
B. Sharp edges
C. Smooth round curves 

Your results:

If you answered mostly A, you have a Squarish Shape… Now find out which one you are:

Square - Square forehead and jaw, full cheeks, almost as wide as it is long.

Rectangle - Square forehead and jaw, longer than it is wide.

If you answered mostly B, you have an Angular Shape… Now find out which one you are:

Heart - Rounded forehead and sharply tapered chins.

Inverted Triangle - Square forehead and sharply tapered chin.

Diamond - Narrow forehead and jaw with fuller cheekbones.

Pear - Narrow forehead and widest at the jawline.

If you answered mostly C, you have a Rounder Shape… Now find out which one you are:

Oval - Round forehead, tapering cheeks and chin.

Round - Round forehead, full cheeks and smooth round jawline.

Long/Oblong - Round forehead, tapers to the chin. 

I hope you find this helpful!  

What's your face shape?  Leave your result in the comments below!  (I’m an oval shape J)


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I'm a vegan passionate about sustainability and clean, cruelty-free products. My focus is on writing lifestyle, wellness, and self-care articles. As a true crime enthusiast, I also delve into this genre, sharing my insights through articles and videos on my two YouTube channels.

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