Tips for growing long and healthy hair

Long hair never seems to go out of style (on women, that is), but this hairstyle requires healthy hair.
Long healthy hair is definitely not maintenance free but if you use the right tips, you can have long, strong and healthy locks, before you know it.

woman with long, straight hair


  • Shampoo the scalp well and the ends lightly.  The scalp gets more oil, and the ends dry easily.
  • Shampooing 2 or 3 times a week should be sufficient.  This will keep you from stripping your hair's natural oils.
  • If you feel that you need to wash every day; co-wash instead (wash your scalp and hair with conditioner only, skip the shampoo.)
  • Use lots of hair conditioner, especially on the ends.  For extra benefit, let it set for a few minutes before rinsing.
  • Deep condition occasionally with a hair mask or by putting a thick layer of conditioner on the hair then covering it with a thermal shower cap. 
  • Avoid washing hair in hot water.  Wash with lukewarm water and always rinse with cool water.  
  • Always use a wide-tooth comb to comb out wet hair, which is hair's most fragile state.
  • Do not rub a towel on wet hair.  This will damage the outer surface of the hair.
  • Use a leave-in conditioner and/or a hair serum.  Both products leave the hair feeling soft and tangle-free.  Some products also claim to repair damaged ends.
  • Stay away from heat styling products, as much as possible.  Always use a good thermal protectant if you really must heat style your hair.
  • Trim your hair regularly, preferably once every two to three months.  Trimming off dead ends is essential to keeping your hair healthy.  Also, trimming dead ends helps your hair grow faster.
  • Don’t pull back your hair too tightly.  Tight hairstyles can add stress to hair follicles, causing breakage.
  • Stay away from chemical products and permanents.  Perms may look good but they leave the hair dry and damaged.

I could make an endless list of simple tips like these, but to sum it up the most important thing is to be gentle.  Shampoo gently, detangle with your fingers and comb gently, etc.

Talk soon,



I'm a vegan passionate about sustainability and clean, cruelty-free products. My focus is on writing lifestyle, wellness, and self-care articles. As a true crime enthusiast, I also delve into this genre, sharing my insights through articles and videos on my two YouTube channels.


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